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Server online

Server is online do not need to update game client Version. Enjou Your game

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technical works

Dear players! On July 24 (from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. server time), the server and personal cabinet will be unavailable due to planned technical work Wait for a detailed description of the changes after their completion

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Promo time

On Saturday (July 20), we will hold a promo code time event. A total of 5 promo codes will be published. Each code is valid for 1 hour. The start is at 3:00pm (15:00) server time, so be careful not to miss out on nice bonuses. The promo code is entered on the game website - https://fw-wizard.com/index.php. Promo codes will be published in our discord

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Server Online

Version 0.51.0 And 0.39.0 The following changes have been made: 1. Added Soul Crystal Lv6 as drop to (Gnome Infector and Icefang Chief) Bosses; 2. 12vs12 Event Ends; 3. Reduced resource requirements for guild base buildings by half; 4. In TEST MODE, the registration to Frostage Fjort 70-90 levels has been changed to Frostage Fjort 70-90 levels are now together; 5. Added level 85 jewelry to t...

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